I am so proud to have been asked to create a timeline for…
Maria Alexandra Vettese and Stephanie Congdon Barnes
Like bookends, 3191: Evenings is the second and final installment in a simple and intimate visual collaboration between two friends—one in Portland, Oregon and one in Portland, Maine.
If you do not know about this special project then you must familiarize yourself with it this instant!
If you do know about this special project then you should order your copy of the book this instant! (Assuming you have not already.)
Pre-orders are available until 9/18/09.
Pre-ordered copies ship 2 weeks before the publication
date and are signed by both authors.
(Please excuse my enthusiasm. You need not do anything this instance. But you should!)
I am so proud to have been asked to create a timeline for… 3191:Evenings by Maria Alexandra Vettese and Stephanie Congdon Barnes Like bookends, 3191: Evenings is the second and final installment in a simple and intimate visual collaboration between two friends—one in Portland, Oregon and one in Portland, Maine. If you do not know about [...]
More CDRyan Tees from PalmerCash!
More CDRyan Tees from PalmerCash!
Paper and Gel Medium on Wood Panels
8×8 Inches
Opening this Friday, September 4th as part of Enormous Tiny Art 6
Paper and Gel Medium on Wood Panels 8×8 Inches Opening this Friday, September 4th as part of Enormous Tiny Art 6 www.enormoustinyart.com